So far there is nothing wrong with the automatic transmission on my E46 cabriolet, but started to think of replacing automatic transmission fluid for preventing failures in the future, 5 or 10 years later. Mileage on my car is about 57,000km. Automatic transmission is ZF 5HP19.
Things I prepared 用意したもの
Automatic transmission fluids which I have prepared are febi 14738 for VW AUDI G052162A2. Febi says it is compatible with ATF4 of BMW and ZF Lifeguard5. Strainer is Meisterstatz and the gasket is Vaico. These are nice and reasonable. T27 socket, T40 socket, 6mm hex bit socket, 8mm 6mm? allen wrench, torque wrenches.

オートマチックトランスミッションフルードは、VW,Audi G052162A2 用のfebi 14738です。febiはBMWのATF4やZFライフガード5と互換だと言ってます。フィルターはマイシュターシュタッツで、ガスケットはヴァイコです。品質も良くてリーズナブルです。T27トルクスソケット, T40トルクスソケット、6mm六角ソケット、8mm 六角棒レンチ、トルクレンチ。E46カブリオレのATFを交換しようと思ってフルードを調達したATF for my E46 cabriolet
Preparatory work 準備作業
Jack up your car on four jack stands and keep it level. In order to keep out contamination, I enclosed the space under my car by masking films at the side of my car and on the floor.

Procedures 手順

- Crack the filler plug loose, but don't take it off. The filler plug is very tight, so you may use a wrench to extend the length. フィラープラグを開くけど取り外さない。超固いのでレンチで延長してください。狭いのでソケットは入りません。8mm allen
- Then open the drain plug. Before the drain plug, loosen the filler plug first.ドレインプラグを開く。先にフィラープラグを緩めておく。ドレインプラグ外してからフィラープラグが外れなかったら困る。 6 mm hex bit

- Drain automatic transmission fluid. ATFを排出。

- Drained fluid looks not so bad, but I felt it lost its viscosity compared with a new fluid. It is dark green. 抜いたフルードはそれほど悪くないようですが、新油と比べて少し粘性が失われているような気がします。ダークグリーンです。
- Tighten the drain plug again. ドレインプラグを再度締める。35Nm
- Unscrew all bolts on the oil pan. オイルパンのボルトを外す。T27

- Remove oil pan and gasket and clean the mating surfaces. オイルパンとガスケットを取り外して接合面を掃除する。

- The joint surface of the oil pan has a bulge along the center like ___!'''!___ to prevent leak. オイルパンの接合面には真ん中に出っ張りがあります。漏れにくくするためでしょうね。
- Replace strainer. フィルターを交換する。two M6 bolts T40 6Nm
- Clean the oil pan and magnets. オイルパンと磁石を掃除する。
- Install oil pan and gasket again. I tightened the bolts outwards. Make sure all bolts are tightened. オイルパンとガスケットを再度つける。ボルトは真ん中から外側に締めました。全部締めたか確認しましょう。私は危うく一本締め忘れるとこでした。M6 T27 6Nm

- Top up ATF. The color of febi's ATF is yellow. あふれるまでATFを入れる。febiのATFは黄色です。
- Install the filler plug by hand. フィラープラグを手で締める。
- Start engine and shift all gears. エンジンをかけて全てのギアに入れる。
- Open filler plug again. (Engine is running) フィラープラグを再度開く(エンジンはかけたまま)
- Add ATF until it spills from the hole (Engine is running) ATFをあふれるまで入れる。(エンジンはかけたまま)
- During adding ATF, temperature of ATF should be at 30-50 degrees Celsius as per Bentley Manual. I recommend about 40deg. (Engine is running) ベントレーマニュアルによればATF温度を30から50度Cに上げる。私は40度ぐらいで合わせた方がいいと思います。(エンジンはかけたまま)

- Close the filler plug. フィラープラグを閉める。30Nm
- Turn engine off. エンジンを止める。
- Jack down your car. ジャッキダウンする。
- I made sure no errors were recorded and reset adaptations on transmission. エラーが記録されてないことを確認して、ATの学習値をリセットしました。
Things that you should be careful of. 気を付けること。
AT first I cracked a filler plug open, and took it off, and then ATF flowed over unexpectedly. I had not placed an oil pan below, so it was making a huge mess. You better not take the filler plug off completely.
You should keep an eye on the temperature of automatic transmission fluid so as not to exceed 50 degrees Celsius, otherwise volume of ATF will not be enough. I recommend 40 deg.
Things that worried me. 心配したこと。
I put in about six liters of fluid, though more amount had been drained. I am afraid volume of fluid is not enough, although I am sure that I did this job properly. Because I set the fluid level at 50 deg, fluid level is minimum within normal range. I guess more amount of fluid is being factory-filled.
When I put the selector lever in a reverse and drive position at first time after I changed automatic transmission fluid, I heard noises from the transmission and felt shocks. But after I had driven my car for several kilometers, the noises and shocks were gone. Is it a bad sign?
Result 結果
I just feel a slight delay in engagement from Parking to Reverse position. But It is possible that I am only getting nervous. I feel neither better nor worse, no differences when driving a car. It is smooth and has no shocks. But this result doesn't meet my expectations, because I felt considerable changes when I replaced power steering fluid.
P.S. 追記
現状、すこぶる調子良いです。 My automatic transmission is operating very well now.