
クラシックカーディーラーズのBMW関連ネタその3(E24 635CSi)  Wheeler Dealers' BMW related episodes #3

投稿日:2018年7月16日 更新日:

E24 635CSi


  • Elegant and cool car. Image is from Wikipedia.

買い付け価格 Buying price


  • Owner's asking price was £2,600. Mike offered £1,900. Mike got it at 2 grand.

サスペンションの修理 Fixing suspentions

リアサスペンション ドロップリンクを交換 Replacing rear suspension drop links
フロントサスペンション コントロールアーム交換 Replacing front suspension control arms


ストラットタワーバー装着 Installing strut tower brace


  • When this car appeared later again on "Wheeler Dealers Revisited", this strut tower brace had been removed by new owner. It's okay without it I think.


エキゾーストシステム交換 Replacing the exhaust system

純正品を使用 Genuine parts


ドナーカーを購入 Bought a donor car.


  • Mike bought a donor car in order to get leather upholstery and wheels. Clean car.  This car must have made more money if sold as separate parts.


助手席側フロントドアのウェザーストリップを交換 Replacing the door seal of passenger side

ヘラのようなものではめ込むだけ Push it in by flat head tools.


内装、ホイール交換 Replacing whole interiors and wheels


  • An original upholstery was patterned cloth, not leather. Edd replaced whole interiors  to leather one from donor car. Original wheels were Canadian dish type.

トータルコスト Total spent


交渉 Negotiation


  • Mike’s asking price was £3,750. Customer offered £3,600. Very close. Mike gave him 50 quid back to it to fill up with petrol.  £3,700


今、日本で買うと200万くらいはするみたいですね。パーツ類は古いからって高くはなさそうです。このあたりはBMW の良いところです。以前乗ってた国産車は、古くなるほど部品代がかかりました。本体がもう少し安ければ欲しいです。

  • My impression is that there were not so many fixes on this episode. You don't need strut tower brace, leather interior and original wheels,  if you can stand it. 
  • You have to pay about 2 million yen if you buy it in japan. Parts are not expensive in spite of old models, which is good point of BMW.





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