方丈(禅宗寺院の僧侶の住居)の東西南北に四庭が配され「八相の庭」と称されてましたが、2014年に「国指定名勝 東福寺本坊庭園」となりました。
- On Saturday in December I went to Tofuku-ji Temple. It is crowded usually in autumn because it is famous for autumn leaves. I think it is not crowded in this season.
- Tofuku-ji Temple is famous for the Tsuten-bridge in autumn leaves season, but today I am going to see the garden.
- Around Hojo ( the residence of zen priests), there are four gardens called 'hasso no niwa' which was designated as a National Site of Scenic Beauty and renamed Honbo Garden.
- Honbo Garden were laid out by Mr. Mirei Shigemori (a famous garden-builder) in 1939.
- First of all, the shot of the parking lot. I went to the northern parking lot at first. It was vacant at 10:30 am.

- Though this parking was OK, I moved to the other parking lot inside of precincts where I had been to. I drove about 6 min. around the temple in order to get to the parking lot which you can find soon inside the temple gate.

- The garden is a short walk. I paid an admission fee. 400 yen.
- There is four gardens. First one is the eastern garden. The stones represent the Great Bear.

- The next garden is the southern garden. It was a middle of the work to draw the patterns. It is very nice for you to sit and relax on the veranda. It was warm.
- Picture when I arrived

- A man was drawing the pattern using a rake-like tool.

- Finished

- The western garden. Checkered patterns made with Satuki trees.

Lastly the northern garden.
The checkered pattern is exact shape at first continued by the western garden, but gradually loosening its shape. I hear that the ground was not all covered by moss but half of it was by white sand when it was laid out. Now you cannot see the boundary line buried under moss.

- I ate a lunch at Chishakuin Temple located to the north of Tofukuji. This is a set meal called higashiyama Zammai. Crisp tempura and the soup of soba taste good.