クラシックカーディーラーズのBMW関連ネタその7(Z1)  Wheeler Dealers' BMW related episodes #7

投稿日:2018年7月21日 更新日:


BMW Z1は、通常のドアのように外側やガルウィングドアのように上方に開く代わりに下方のドアシル(ドアの下部、前輪と後輪の間にある梁)内に収納されるドアを持っています。ボディはプラスチック製で、シャーシから完全に取り外すことができます。2.5リッター 6気筒 170bhp。

  • The Z1 is unique for its plastic body panels and vertically sliding doors which drop into the door sills.

買い付け   Buying

マイクはBMW Z1を探しますが、非常にレアな車でUKでは見つかりません。ヨーロッパ全体で探すとオランダにヨーロッパで一番安い物件を発見しました。オランダのディーラー、ヴィンセントさんから買い付けます。

  • Mike was looking for BMW Z1, but he wasn't able to find it in UK because it's rare. Searching around Europe, he found a car in Holand  , that is the cheapest in Europe. Mike bought it from Mr. Vincent, a dealer.


  • The color was yellow, not the original color, and Mike can't stand.
    During test drive, he heard some noises from clutch when releasing the clutch. And it got no turn signal indicator.

ヴィンセントさんは€16,950、マイクは€ 16,000。最終的に€16,650 で決着。£14,037

  • Vincent's asking price was €16,950. MIke offered € 16,000. Finally, settled at €16,650 or £14,037.

ボディワーク取り外し Removing body works



  • Edd was removing plastic body panels and seats to repaint them from yellow to original red.
  • BMW claims you can remove entire body works within forty minutes, but It took six hours for Edd to do that.

シートの塗り替え Repainting seats


  • Mike was heading to an paint shop to repaint seats.


  • At first, he took off stains and oil element, and then treat the surface by things like sandpapers.
    He rubbed black dyes as a base coat.
    Next, he sprayed dyes which were matched to the color code of BMW.
    Finally, he sprayed leather conditioner.


  • The finish was like new one.

Replacing clutch release bearings


  • Edd was replacing clutch release bearing, thinking that its wear caused the noise releasing clutch.


  • To do that, he must drop huge components which is one piece of gear box, prop shaft and final drive. He took it off to the ground using two trans jacks with an assistance. 


  • Exhaust system must be replaced too, because it was repaired like patch works. However, genuine one is expensive, so he have the exhaust made by customs.

テストドライブ  Test drive


  • Edd did test drive to ensure the clutch was fixed. Driven bare chassis without panels looks like appearing in the apocalyptic movies of the near future.

ドアとウインドウの修理  Fixing doors and windows


  • Windows are jerky when these are raised.


  • Edd found that the driving belt was loosened. According to the maintenance manual he found on the net, he tried to apply tensions to the belt by 20 liter water of the tank.


  • The cause of malfunctions seem not to be motors or micro switches.

ターンシグナルインディケータの装着  Putting on the lever of turn signal indicators


  • Edd found the turn signal indicator lever under the seat when he got it out.

ボディパネルを付けて完成  Finish installing body panels

トータルコスト Total spent

車両 Vehicle   £ 14.037

輸送費  Transporting   £ 350

ペイントワーク Paint works £ 3,500

インテリア  Interiors   £ 360

エグゾーストとクラッチ Exhaust and clutch    £ 757

スペアパーツ  Spare parts    £ 150

計 Total     £ 19,154


マイクは£ 25,000を主張、客は£ 24,000を提示。しかし、レアな車ゆえにマイクの売値で交渉成立。

  • Mike stick to £ 25,000, while customer offered £ 24,000. Because it's rare car, Mike won.



  • Right now, there is only one car sold in Japan, and it costs over a hundred thousand dollars. It'll sure be proud of if you own.


  • This is the last BMW aired on Wheeler Dealers except Isetta.


  • This blog is  summarizing the individual job or cost at a glance, so you may find it convenient when you look back. Singing praises


  • Please notify me, if I made mistakes because I wrote this article watching the video in English.





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