- Suddenly a serpentine belt began to squeak. It was pretty loud noise, and of shame being heard by neighbors. At first I suspected deterioration of the belt. I purchased the squeal preventing spray, but it did not work. I heard silicone spray was effective, so sprayed several times. While spraying silicone, I found the right place for noise to cease.
That was the vicinity of an idler pulley. Yes, I found the cause was not deterioration of the belt but the idler pulley. I ordered an idler pulley (part #11287841228) and SST by the web.
社外交換パーツが1年でダメになった Aftermarket parts did not last one year

- At first remove the air intake duct, and the fan using SST. To loosen the belt turn the belt tensioner clockwise. It is hard to turn, so I extend the length of ratchet wrench by joining steel pipe. The tensioner pulley is old too, but not squeak yet, so for a while I leave it. It is better to suspect a pulley if squeaking noise annoys you.
- The picture below is pre-fixing. You cannot see the green prints on the belt.